Archifon is a large and interactive virtual musical instrument controlled with laser pointers. Architectonical objects are re-interpreted by virtual visual…
Archifon is a large and interactive virtual musical instrument controlled with laser pointers. Architectonical objects are re-interpreted by virtual visual elements via projection and sound. This is made possible by the mapping of the virtual surface of the architecture. Up to twenty visitors at a time can interact with Archifon by using the laser pointers. This time we turned the interior of the beautiful Basilica San Juan el Real in Oviedo into a huge interactive installation. Concept, audio, Max/MSP programming…
Archifon created by musical composer Tomáš Dvořák ( and visual artist Dan Gregor ( is a large and interactive virtual…
Archifon created by musical composer Tomáš Dvořák ( and visual artist Dan Gregor ( is a large and interactive virtual musical instrument controlled with laser pointers. Architectonical objects are re-interpreted by virtual visual elements via projection and sound. This is made possible by the mapping of the virtual surface of the architecture. Up to twenty visitors at a time can interact with Archifon by using the laser pointers. Concept, audio, Max/MSP programming by Tomaš Dvořák – Floex ( )…
INITI Playgroundz is augmented reality platform for large scale applications on flat surfaces (walls). It was developed while trying to…
INITI Playgroundz is augmented reality platform for large scale applications on flat surfaces (walls). It was developed while trying to connect video mapping and games, but it can be used for other applications, too. The size or count of interactive surfaces is scalable and the applications are capable of handling input of multiple users simultaneously. Previous gamez: Concept and art-direction: Dan Gregor Programmer: Ondřej Průcha. Michal Rydlo Art: Šimon Kubec Sound: Ondřej Skala Production: Jakub Roček and Josef…
Basically this system allows to make multitouch area on every flat surfaces. Technically it’s combination of motion-tracking and projection-mapping. Main benefits are…
Basically this system allows to make multitouch area on every flat surfaces. Technically it’s combination of motion-tracking and projection-mapping. Main benefits are that there are no limits in a scale of game-stage (it could be 1km long if you want) and no limit how many people can be involved in one moment. Here is a video from our test installation in Prague. We developed kind of computer game but projected in real scenery. It is mainly dedicated to kids but also adults were…
Site-specific projection and light intervention for Konserthus facade, Stavanger. Cooperation with Michal Pustějovský Author: Dan Gregor ( Animation: Dalibor Cée…
Site-specific projection and light intervention for Konserthus facade, Stavanger. Cooperation with Michal Pustějovský Author: Dan Gregor ( Animation: Dalibor Cée Production: PAF Festival Stavanger Konserthus, ScreenCity Festival, Norway 16.10.2015
Khôra (Khora or Chora; Ancient Greek: χώρα) is a philosophical term described by Plato in Timaeus as a receptacle, a…
Khôra (Khora or Chora; Ancient Greek: χώρα) is a philosophical term described by Plato in Timaeus as a receptacle, a space, or an interval. It is neither being nor nonbeing but an interval between in which the “forms” were originally held. Khôra “gives space” and has maternal overtones (a womb, matrix). A formless and unnameable “it” that we cannot identify but only evoke with images of unidentifiable places, like a kind of dissolution into the tohu wa bohu* (waste and…
Khôra (Khora or Chora; Ancient Greek: χώρα) is a philosophical term described by Plato in Timaeus as a receptacle, a…
Khôra (Khora or Chora; Ancient Greek: χώρα) is a philosophical term described by Plato in Timaeus as a receptacle, a space, or an interval. It is neither being nor nonbeing but an interval between in which the “forms” were originally held. Khôra “gives space” and has maternal overtones (a womb, matrix). A formless and unnameable “it” that we cannot identify but only evoke with images of unidentifiable places, like a kind of dissolution into the tohu wa bohu* (waste and…
Spectrum* analyzes allegorical sensation of the image itself and the moment that makes the process of innovation. It focuses on…
Spectrum* analyzes allegorical sensation of the image itself and the moment that makes the process of innovation. It focuses on the expression of the virtual world in a designated physical space. Silver, one of the symbols of Kutna Hora, whose essential feature is to reflect light and in a polished mirror state to reflect real world, provides us with an ideal opportunity to link it with the Church of St. Barbara, another symbol of this city. The result of this…
Interactive installation based on “Archifon” system. Puzzle controlled by viewers trough their smartphones or tablets. Covering the wide range of technology…
Interactive installation based on “Archifon” system. Puzzle controlled by viewers trough their smartphones or tablets. Covering the wide range of technology gadgets from Android based devices and all the way to iOS stylish toys. Public can gain access to the system with up to five free ports available on installation’s local wifi network. Interactive installation was presented during the 2013 Light festival in Sharjah, UAE. Interactive Media: Dan Gregor ( Sound: Ondřej Skala (JTNB) Programmer: Jakub Koníček ( Sharjah Light Festival,…
Museum of Liverpool projection mapping was second part of the waterfront show in Liverpool. The purpose was to celebrate the opening…
Museum of Liverpool projection mapping was second part of the waterfront show in Liverpool. The purpose was to celebrate the opening of the brand new Museum of Liverpool. Projekční mapping u příležitosti slavnostního otevření budovy “New Museum of Liverpool” konané ve dnech 22-24 července, 2011. Author: Dan Gregor ( Music: Ondřej Skala (JTNB) Cooperating animators: Petr Krejčík, Denizcan Yuzgul, Dalibor Ceé, Michal Kotek Jully 22-24, 2011 New Museum of Liverpool Reflaction on Waterfront, Liverpool
Projection Mapping made by Dan Gregor ( and Amar Mulabegovic during 600 years anniversary of the astronomical tower clock situated at…
Projection Mapping made by Dan Gregor ( and Amar Mulabegovic during 600 years anniversary of the astronomical tower clock situated at Old Town Square in center of Prague. Each part of the screening described the most important chapters from the clock history. Projekční mapping vytvořený Danem Gregorem ( a Amarem Mulabegovicem u přípežitosti 600 výročí Staroměstkého orloje. Koncept vychází z reflexí udalostí bezprostředně spjatých s touto stavbou od jejího vzniku přes např. Petra Perléře, husitské války až po součastnost. Authors: Dan Gregor (, Amar…
Projection Mapping made by Dan Gregor (, Petr Krejčík (, Amar Mulabegovic Music: CoH – Path #1 March 24, 2010…
Projection Mapping made by Dan Gregor (, Petr Krejčík (, Amar Mulabegovic Music: CoH – Path #1 March 24, 2010 Hilton Hotel, Prague